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Public Notice
Title VI Assurances: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under and program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Ability - Enhancing Lives from Matt Wilson on Vimeo.
ABiLITY is a nonprofit charitable organization providing direct services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities from birth through adulthood. We assist people with intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism and other conditions learn skills to care for themselves, be more independent, hold a job, and build connections and friendships in the community.
We began to serve the community in 1987 under the SB40 legislation. ABiLITY separated from the governmental entity in 2016 to focus on a nonprofit role building a stronger community and service team. We work with a board of directors, volunteers, community organizations, staff and families to create an inclusive environment and offer opportunities for learning and growth.
A Testimonial for ABiLITY Good Deed Doers
Our Vision
ABiLITY envisions a culture of inclusive communities where individuals with developmental disabilities thrive, and through self-determination live their life as they choose.
Value Statement
We are dedicated to meet the individualized needs of consumers, promoting skill development and independence with quality, ethical and honest services based on Positive Behavioral Supports. We respect all persons as demonstrated with integrity by interaction with staff, clients, board members, and the community. We value evidence based practices, innovative services and the responsible use of resources.
Our Mission
ABiLITY is committed to enhancing the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities through education and supports that foster social growth and opportunity.